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The development of Yugoturbina in 1973 and further, which we previously wrote about, is essentially related to its strategic orientation towards the world market. This is best illustrated by the fact that the share of exports in total revenue in 1979 was only 5%, in 1980 11%, and in 1985 44%.

In 1985, the ratio of convertible exports to imports was achieved with an index of 225. Thus, convertible exports are almost 2.3 times higher than convertible imports.

Thus, an active exporter was finally realized. In the economic conditions, that was a great achievement and an excellent positioning for new ambitious jobs and development plans.

All other qualitative growth indicators show above-average tendencies in that period. "Yugoturbina" was connected with numerous companies through organization in communities for joint performance on the domestic and foreign markets in complex facilities and towards the state to ensure favorable business conditions and performance of investment equipment manufacturers such as INGRA, JADRANBROD, DUNAVBROD, ZINVOJ, JUMEL...

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In the early 1970s, Yugoturbina had major known financial and development difficulties. We will list the most important ones:
- Technologically complex production and unfinished investment to meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets.
- Impossibility of obtaining permanent working capital for the production of materials of appropriate quality and deadlines.
- Lack of long-term loans from commercial banks to lend to its customers.
- Constant shortage of foreign currency for the necessary procurement of imported materials and parts.
- Underdeveloped production of parts and materials from domestic industry.
- Underdeveloped sale of their products, processing of foreign markets, export and import.

Establishes development policy in the following directions:
- Organizes offer bureaus that process offers for the placement of engine and pump turbines with production.
- Develops export and import business functions.
- Organizes financing of operations with banks and funds.
- Develops programs of new products and components and provides funds for construction.
- Niederlasung was founded and it opened service works in Germany.
- Provides construction sites, projects and leads the organization of construction and supervision.

Published in Blog EN

The expansion of production, intensive development and the opening of new plants were in the observed period the basic features of the work and operations of Yugoturbina, which led to a larger increase in the number of employees.

In 1977, Yugoturbina employed 5,000 workers, and in 1986 it was 8,593, in nine years the number of employees increased by 2984. If the natural annual outflow is taken into account, it means that about 430 new workers were employed annually, or a total of 3870.

At the same time, the increase in the number of employees significantly changed the qualification structure, in which the educational level of workers with higher education is growing faster.

Such intensive development was followed and at the same time enabled adequate business results and a relatively good position on the domestic and world markets.

Published in Blog EN